
Is it urgent? Call 112 

112 is Sweden's national emergency number. You should call this number when: 

112 - must be used in emergency situations when there is a danger to life, property or the environment. An emergency situation is when you quickly need help from an ambulance, rescue service, police, air, sea, mountain rescue, on-duty priest or poison information.

When dialing 112 from your mobile phone or landline, the call will be directed to your closest Emergency Centre (Larmcentral). SOS Alarm's operators speak both Swedish and English and we have access to an interpreter for communication in most languages. 

Other important numbers

113 13 - Sweden's national information number. You can turn here to provide and receive information about major accidents and crises or if you have general questions about the coronavirus that are not about disease symptoms.

114 14 - is the number for non-urgent police cases. Call 114 14 for crimes and events that are not ongoing or urgent. You can call the number 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

1177 - if you or a relative has become ill and needs to consult with a nurse or if you want help finding the right care.

116 000 - emergency number for reporting missing children

Dial the correct number